


Walking Beside Refugees

Our nation was founded on the backs of those who immigrated to this country. Our own grandparents came from Mexico, Poland and Ireland to escape war, persecution, and danger. We have a place in our hearts for refugees.  We would not be here without them.

In the late 70s, we sponsored a Vietnamese family who fled their country because they had been working for the Americans.  There were 2 parents, 7 children and a grandmother.  Later, 2 uncles joined them.  It was uniquely rewarding to assist them through the labyrinth of the immigration process and integration into American life.

In short order, they became part of our extended family, and we are in contact with them to this day.  They are now all bona fide members of our American way of life.

When we learned that WC had a ministry for refugees, we wanted to be involved and asked to be in contact with a family. Thanks to WCRI, the connection was made.  We receive so much more than we give as our Afghan family of 2 parents and their five children transition to life in America.

“It takes a village.”  WCRI along with its tireless director have made miracles happen.  It is a privilege for us to be part of the process.